Sunday, January 20, 2008

Yuotube Vedio of Skype Running on PSP

Here's a demo of the PSP-2000 running Skype. Neat huh, now you can skype with your friend even on the PSP. Too bad it won't work for the PSP Fat.

Watch the Yuotube Vedio:

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Connect Video moving to Playstation Store

CONNECT Vedio will only be available for promotional vedio downloads until January 17, 2008. When you visit us after that date, you will be redirected to the PLAYSTATION Store. This holiday season we encourage you to visit CONNECT Vedio as often as you like to download your favorite content and clips.

Click here for more

Thursday, January 10, 2008

God of War Trailer

God of War Trailer

Can this game get any more beautiful? It seemingly does every time we see it. It looks stunning in screens, but looks even more gorgeous in motion. You may think it's a PS2 game, but then when you remember it's on a handheld, you'll also be screaming, just like our obnoxious headline.

Friday, January 4, 2008

PSP gets Skype, Solar Power Battery

Wow (or rather the newly fashionable W00t!), the greatest thing since sliced bread just got better. Reports have it that the PSP will be getting Skype and not only that it has a solar powered charger!

Read the rest here...

Wipeout Pulse

If you read our hands-on impressions, you'd know that we're in love with WipEout Pulse. Looks like IGN is quite enamored too -- and they have videos to show you. Unfortunately, these videos don't quite capture how intense the game really feels when it's in your hands. The silky smooth framerate adds a lot to the experience. New modes, like Elimination (our favorite), are a welcome addition to the franchise. And, the experience "loyalty" points you get after each race has us trying to grind for more unlockables. It's just a better game than Pure, and that's saying a lot.

Check out all of IGN's videos here.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

PSP Gets Skype

According to Sony’s Consumer Electronics Show website, PSP users will be able to talk to friends via Skype. Sony will implement another firmware update for the handheld console and it’s anyone’s guess when that will happen.
Sony is doing its best to squeeze every ounce of usage out of its entry into the portable gaming world. The recent addition of internet radio to the system has done little for its popularity. Nintendo DS is outselling the PSP and the advent of Skype will unlikely balance the sales scale. However, Sony deserves a few points for actively seeking out new uses for its hand held unit.
If you want question Sony up front and personal, swing by their booth at CES 2008 in Las Vegas starting on January 7th, ending on the 10th.

Original Article at PSP World

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Upgrading PSP from OE Firmware to 3.52 M33

After Dark_Alex retired from the PSP homebrew scene, many people thought it was the end of the custom firmwares released by him. But it was not so, a few days later a Russian hacker team called M33 debuted their own custom firmware, which has now superseded Dark _Alex’s OE firmwares as number one. They work very hard on this firmware, and they make no profit from it. So I highly suggest that you visit their page, and make a donation so the M33 team can continue hacking the PSP.

Click here for more...

Article written by Karol Krizka at